Saturday, November 18, 2006

Clean it and you know next ~

Cleaning the house is really a very important thing. Wherever we stay, we must keep it clean.
But actual pain is cleaning the tools which we use to clean the house.

I must say.. using a vacuum cleaner and cleaning the house - looks like the work is reduced. We are cleaning the house so easily and so fast. We are using an item which runs by power(electric power, oh!). But why not technology invents the tool to clean the cleaner?
When I see my vacuum cleaner's main box, holding my house's complete dirt,dust, stinky, yukky stuff... I feel like - now who's gonna clean it? :'( ...
Mumma.. using normal broom and wiping the house with wet cloth is much cleaner than cleaning a vacuum cleaner which has not been emptied since last 30 days. yuhhhh!! :(

Well.. however I cry over my -must do thing- I have no escape. Now nothing else, but I'll clean it and then clean the house.
Then I will feel like woow!! house is so neat.[Know what's not clean NOW :( ]


At 6:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can give you an easy idea... just go to the patio. Open the vacuum cleaner and toss out the dirt ... its fast and its easy :) !!

At 9:15 PM, Blogger Krupa said...

I know.. well.. somehow I do the same thing.. But I still find it a paing. But thanks for the idea :)

At 11:45 PM, Blogger Sathish said...

Why do we dread dirt?.. is it not part of us?

At 11:45 PM, Blogger Sathish said...

Why do we dread dirt?.. is it not part of us?


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