Saturday, May 19, 2007

Hello there..

I have decided to continue posting my thoughts only at one URL and label them accordingly.

I won't be updating this blog, but please note that my thoughts will continue to flow on this url -

Soulthoughts ->

Thank you...


Sunday, May 13, 2007

It Rocks ~

It's music that rocks, it's the lyrics that rocks, it's the singer that rocks, it's his voice that rocks and finally it's his performance that rocks - The Incredibles

I have just come back from an amazing music concert in Oakland. I went with my friends and I absolutely enjoyed it to its fullest.

As always said, music drives me crazy.. if they had sung sad songs, I would had cried. And leaving no scope for wondering, (it was a live concert) that they had to sing peppy numbers, and they did. Except for 1 song, I have not sat on my seat, I have just danced all the times. I was enjoying each beat of the evening. I am glad I went to such a wonderful show where I can just dance without any hesitation. (I normally don't hesitate for dancing :) )

To my wonder, all the 15 people (other than me) also danced, they did hesitate in the beginning but then music can not leave anyone away from its magic and ultimately they joined the rhythm of fun, rhythm of unlimited enjoyment.. :)

I am just too happy to describe my experience on the blog.. so forgive me people.. and right now just put some music aloud and then just watch how your body reacts to that. You will know what I mean.

